Sunday, December 28, 2008

Olive Kitteridge

Strout, Elizabeth

Amazon link
For my running buddies' book club, this month was my pick. It sounded like the least-depressing of Entertainment Weekly's top ten books of 2008.

Finished 1/2/09

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Gilbert, Elizabeth

Amazon link

Okay, I admit that I bought this because I loved Eat Pray Love. It was also out on the sale table at the Powell's in the airport. I thought I'd read it in New Zealand and leave it for Julie. Short stories are so nice for traveling, since you don't get too sucked in, and you can start and stop more often.

Well, this one was a little odd. And Julie refused it, even while bemoaning a lack of reading material. I left it at the hostel in Picton.

Finished 01/03/2009

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sacred Games

Chandra, Vikram

Amazon link

Erik bought this for me right when it came out. He tried to read it, and I started it at one point... It's about a thousand pages and it's chock full of long Indian names. I can't remember exactly when I started reading it this time, but it doesn't travel with me because it would double the weight of my luggage.

Finished 13 Feb 2009

ZOMG. I enjoyed parts of this-- especially learning some Hindi curses. But overall, I wouldn't read it again.